Saturday, May 15, 2010

Let no man say I wasn't fair

I keep getting behind on my blogging and it's getting a bit frustrating because I know I should do it but get caught up in other things so I know I need to spend less time on my Facebook account and more writing Here and finishing my novel.
Now onto my Title>
It's no secret how I feel about Obama, I dislike what He's doing and I'm not shy about saying my opinion either, I don't wish death on Him, I just wish He would get out of office.
Now over that I must say lately I have seen a few things here and there that caught my attention that were good.
Like the fact that He opened a new Nuclear Power plant and opted to go for our own drilling while we wait for clean energy to kick in a bit better.
Now I'm not oblivious to the British Petroleum situation and I'm not blind to what a tragedy that was and how we're going to be cleaning it up for quite some time.
Now saying that I must say that it was still a good call because we need it, I know most would question why I would say continuing to drill for oil after such a tragic thing happening is good and I can only tell you one thing.
Other countries are continuing to drill.
Do you think that we're the only one's who do off shore drilling?
We need to think about the cost of gas, Yes life is important too but think about the fact of how the economy would be boosted if gas was only $1.00 or less!
With gas prices down business owners would have to pay less for shipments and in return product prices would go down, we could go places and tourism would be up around the country.
What a positive effect low gas prices have don't they! :D
Now on the other hand besides off shore there are plenty of places that are land locked that have oil, as a matter of fact there is so deep of a reserve our grandchildren would have low gas prices through their lifetime also!
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for taking care of the earth and being good care takers, after all if we poison our own water supply what good would that be?
I'm all for new power and energy sources but at the same time I don't think we need to fret either about the scam of "global warming".
I'm kind of in the middle between making sure we are responsible and not being so uptight that we don't progress to make life better for people.
Getting back to what I was saying before I got side tracked, I may not agree with nearly anything He's done but I must say that With at least those two things He's been bumped up from a flat out F to a D- as far as grades go.
Don't get me wrong, He's still got a long way to go before I up His grade again for a while but still I'm giving Him a fair shake on that.
Now all He has to do is support Arizona and follow their example for Illegal immigration , cut back spending which includes NOT bailing out Greece and other countries!, Repeal the Social healthcare bill and the list goes on.
Let no man say I wasn't fair in my views because this should be proof enough that I do give credit where credit is due when it's earned.

Let me leave you with these quotes...

These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have.
Abraham Lincoln

Fairness is not an attitude. It's a professional skill that must be developed and exercised. -Brit Hume

Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The National day of Prayer: Becoming an outlaw for God.

I'm going to do something different than what's on the list and I've been so busy with my other Projects that I haven't gotten to anything on my list of Topics.
I did get to thinking though, Today is the National day of Prayer and a governmental Judge said that it's "Unconstitutional" to pray.
What kind of world are we living in that it's against the law to pray where we want to in public?
It's our right to pray, despite popular belief this country was founded on Christian principals as seen in their writings, our founding Fathers meant for us to have freedom to choose a religion and to Keep the government out of the churches business in dictating what people can and can't believe or telling the people what Churches they can or can't belong to.
It was not to keep Religious Principals out of Government, It is the Ethics of the people that keep the Government in line and keep our freedoms in tact.
This was because of the Fact that there was Religious oppression coming from England and the founding Fathers were trying to escape that Oppression.
Now there are people in government who are stripping our rights to worship in our way, all we wanted was to recognize our heritage on a national level, we weren't trying to force people to pray or forcing people of other beliefs to convert.
We would like to see that happen on people's own accord but what's strangely sad is it seems that while Christian rights are being stripped other religious rights are being presented, what do you think would happen if the government said that Muslims couldn't pray?
May the 6th we move forward and we are praying anyway with or without the government's permission and there is an outcry by anti-Christian groups because we're still praying despite them not recognizing it as a national thing.
WE the people will bring this to the forefront and recognize the National day of prayer as our right.
They can't stop people from praying, The can't tell us what we can Believe, It is our rights as Americans and most of all it is our Human right.
If it is Illegal to Pray then I will be an outlaw, I am not accountable to Men...I am accountable to God.
If you are a believer please keep praying for our Government because those in office need guidance.
If you do not believe that is your right but please respect our right to pray, we're not forcing you to pray and that is not the goal of the National Day of Prayer, the goal is to gather those who do believe to pray peacefully for our nation, our leaders and most importantly the world.
Yes we can pray any time of the year but it seems so scattered that if we have one day to band together it brings us together as a Church whole, no matter what Denomination.
We are the Body of Christ and we must keep our spiritual freedoms in tact because if we don't it won't be too much longer until Prayer really will be Illegal.

Let me leave you with this quote from the movie Kingdom of Heaven>>
"A King may move a man, a father may claim a son. That man can also move himself. And only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played, or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone. Even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that."