Monday, July 25, 2011

The rumors about the man from Nantucket are greatly exagerated.

So I've been going to school for a passion of mine and loving it a lot but I think the fact that all the books are going digital and the School is giving us Ipad 2's is AWESOME!
So besides that my Birthday is coming up and I'll be 31, it's strange how you can be 18 one moment and the next you're in your 30's.
Speaking of being 18, Steph and I have this strange thing going on, mainly it's my fault, I wind up blowing things out of proportion, I try not to get paranoid about that kinda thing but I've been better lately, I mean I keep having this feeling that if we argue she'll break up with me.
We've been together for 11 mo. now I believe which is crazy to me, nearly a year and I don't think I've ever had a relationship that long that I can recall and only about 3 I took seriously, not that I dated much to begin with.
I'm still looking for a job, I hate having to rely on my dad for money but I'm thankful He's been helping me out, I don't think people realize how much I don't like living at home or having to get money from my parents, People seem to have this idea that somehow I'm one of these people who wants to live with his parents the rest of his life when it's the further from the truth.
I also hear people can't take me seriously because my standing at the moment which is bogus, why is it that people seem to have this notion that if you're rich you have more clout than some guy who happens to be living on the street?
Correct me if I'm wrong But Obi Wan was a hermit wasn't he? Apart from him being completely fictional think about it, what makes my opinion any less valid than Bill Gates? Correct me if I'm wrong but Howard Hues was one of the richest men in the world in his time and the guy was completely nuts...Granted it was because of chlamydia but still the point is that people take you more seriously when you have money... Any money and you don't even have to be rich.
There's another perception people have of me, they seem to call me immature... :|
Believe it or not, I do have a serious and thought provoking side and yet people seem to look this over, I say something thought provoking and people are shocked.
Yes, I like Animation, yes I love to do voices and I can be like a kid some times but that doesn't mean I'm immature.
People have no idea how much I have to calm myself down from being hyper because people can't handle it, they can't handle my energy but even though I bring it down so others don't feel uncomfortable around me they don't know what a toll it takes on me.
If you had to hide who you are how would you feel? Accepted? Happy? Not likely at all and it's not fun either, it gets hard to maintain sometimes, I've been very reserved at school, very quiet, there's already a joker in my class so I take a back seat.
I've tried my hardest to not be so critical of things but I slip sometimes, people only want to hear what you have to say when they agree with it otherwise all hell breaks loose and people scream bloody murder for it.
God forbid you have a different opinion right?
I try to concentrate at school, sometimes I stay late...A lot and some times I get lost in my classes because they go fast, I like that the staff is there to help if you need it.
My life is falling into place and yet it's a mess at the same time, I don't know how that works, I love God very much, I know I screw up and right now I'm not exactly doing something some people like or want me to do, maybe I'm a hypocrite with it but I want people to not say anything and let me make my own mistakes.
I get enough guff and I'm working though something right now but people keep bugging me about it and I want something for me right now, I never asked for much but God brought me what I asked for even if I am going about it the wrong way, I'm still holding out hope in things, there must be a reason for it or it wouldn't have happened from my view.
I pray for my Girlfriend, I want her to encounter God but she has to do that on her own, I can't force her to believe and maybe I'm just here to plant seeds but People take up issue with me when it's me dating her and no one else; not really anyone else' business either.
I feel like this guy no one even knows, they know me, know of me and hear stories of what I am doing and yet they have no idea who I am or why I am the way I am.
I am the man from Nantucket [sort of]
That wasn't even my goal for this blog and yet as I write I am figuring out that I really am like the man from Nantucket.
I consider myself to be like David which is Ironic because it's my middle name of all things...
I am Chasing after God and even though I screw up badly sometimes God still finds favor with me, I looked out on the roof [Still am] and seeing something I'm not supposed to.
God has a weird way of using the broken and the losers who can't really do anything right, this is because it shows people God really is there and makes a world of difference, it gives us hope that if God can use people like that than imagine what He can do with people who aren't?

"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there."
—Will Rogers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There's a 700LBS. Gorilla living in the room and the only way I found I can get rid of him is just bananas!

So now it's 7 Mos. with Steph last Saturday, we got together and had a wonderful time together...Although my Mother was not pleased that I stayed the night with Steph at all which makes Steph feel like my mom hates Her which isn't the case but still.
 The only thing that really was a bummer was when both of us came down from the room the next morning and it was raining which pretty much ruined my plans to take Steph to the Gardens so we went to the movie beastly.
I had thought She might enjoy it but even the movie was kinda ruined when the sound kept going in and out half the movie, I forgot Paul was playing but I don't think she would have enjoyed that much either.
 Beastly is one of those movies that you can kinda wait for, it was a nice retelling and there were parts here and there that made me laugh but over all it wasn't as compelling as I would have hoped it would have been.
I'm not quite sure how to deal with everything, I mean I'm in this relationship and it's unusual and then there's school which I have so much going on I forget some of my assignments, It's not completely my fault though as I wouldn't have a problem with one thing or another if I only had one subject to deal with at a time.
 Like if I was purely modeling or photo-shopping or anything like that but when they tell you to build a full scale of a train with little parts and then write a mock up of a company with a power point presentation, write a essay, draw a woman posing and paint a portrait along with designing a video game character THEN paint it's portrait along with a fake game ad that you also design...
 That's the week and I don't have the computer for it so it's late night in the lab like tonight on which my parents call me and tell me what time it is...
 I look at my life and I can't help but feel as though I'm lagging behind everyone else my age, I know everyone has their own timing to live their lives and I also know a lot of people are living with their parents these days because of things...
 It's still very hard and there's a lot of fear of failing since it seems to know me so well but at the same time I have to keep a constant reminder that it's only failing if you don't get up after you fall.
 I got an interview with Phil Vischer who is the creator of Veggie tales and 321 Penguins, I tell you it really does give me hope to know that if Phil can start with 5 people out of His house in a bedroom then there's hope for me yet.
   I still need to find time to write my novel and I need to still learn guitar somewhere in the middle of all this chaos which seems like a near impossible task at the moment but I need to breath and try to get things done.
I found my cousin who I haven't talked to in a long time, I really missed him a lot and he was like a brother to me, I wanted to cry when he left.
So I wanted to keep all you up to date on what's going on in my life, as crazy as it is but now I have to figure out what my next objective is...

"Fairly early in life, I noticed my brain was weird. By that I mean that I noticed it had a way of looking at normal things from a slightly twisted angle--just twisted enough that it often made me chuckle." - Phil Vischer

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My life is crazy right now!

I know I haven't written anything in a long time so I thought I would take some time out to write something quick to all 7 of my followers. lol
so I've been going to school and spending most of my time in the lab, My girlfriend and I have had a bumpy 6 month relationship and she sometimes doesn't know what she really wants except maybe for me.
We talk and half the time she doesn't know what to say and I have to admit I run out of things too but that tends to happen when you do most the talking...
There's only so many times you can ask "So what's up?" or "What do you have going on tomorrow?" you tend to loose steam from it.
then both of us wind up tired because it's late but she doesn't want to let me go because she still wants to talk despite not having anything left to talk about.
I love Her and we've been together for 6 months now but it's getting frustrating with being stressed out from school and no job.
I worked for Netflix for a while but they laid everyone off which left me unhappy to say the least, they were by far the best employer I've ever had and they lay nearly everyone off...
So now I'm trying to survive the best I can but it's hard because it puts stress on everyone including myself and it doesn't stop there either.
People seem to have this wrong impression of me, that because I'm living with my parents (Not something I want) that my opinions are invalid or that I'm immature.
I pay what I can when I can and they forget I was out on my own, I didn't always live with my parents...
I can't seem to catch a break at all which is why I'm going to school, I'm hoping that when I'm done I not only will have a stable job but eventually start my own animation company.
I would talk about what happened at the capitol but I stayed clear from that circus and I don't want to start a riot from my opinion.
For the most part I'm doing ok, Other than missing my girlfriend and being stressed out from school everything is going ok... Crazy but ok.