I know I haven't written anything in a long time so I thought I would take some time out to write something quick to all 7 of my followers. lol
so I've been going to school and spending most of my time in the lab, My girlfriend and I have had a bumpy 6 month relationship and she sometimes doesn't know what she really wants except maybe for me.
We talk and half the time she doesn't know what to say and I have to admit I run out of things too but that tends to happen when you do most the talking...
There's only so many times you can ask "So what's up?" or "What do you have going on tomorrow?" you tend to loose steam from it.
then both of us wind up tired because it's late but she doesn't want to let me go because she still wants to talk despite not having anything left to talk about.
I love Her and we've been together for 6 months now but it's getting frustrating with being stressed out from school and no job.
I worked for Netflix for a while but they laid everyone off which left me unhappy to say the least, they were by far the best employer I've ever had and they lay nearly everyone off...
So now I'm trying to survive the best I can but it's hard because it puts stress on everyone including myself and it doesn't stop there either.
People seem to have this wrong impression of me, that because I'm living with my parents (Not something I want) that my opinions are invalid or that I'm immature.
I pay what I can when I can and they forget I was out on my own, I didn't always live with my parents...
I can't seem to catch a break at all which is why I'm going to school, I'm hoping that when I'm done I not only will have a stable job but eventually start my own animation company.
I would talk about what happened at the capitol but I stayed clear from that circus and I don't want to start a riot from my opinion.
For the most part I'm doing ok, Other than missing my girlfriend and being stressed out from school everything is going ok... Crazy but ok.
I haven't been on my very own blog for 7 months too...and just stumbled upon yours...lol...I must say I know what you going through and I pray things would get better.Its nice to share what you going through and it always makes you better when you voice(or in this case-write/type) your feelings and emotions.Stay strong on your journey and always remember God is in control and He knows whats best for you!