Friday, April 9, 2010

Extremism in this world.

I read a blog statement not long ago saying they can't Imagine loving or hating to extremes or making blanket statements about any one group so here is my answer to them.

I think it's funny that some say this world is full of extremes when it's not as extreme as one might think.
They might call Terrorists "extremists" but this is rare from how normal people live their lives.
If everyone were as extreme as you say then the word extreme would no longer apply since it would then be considered "normal".
At one point showing a bit of leg was extreme in the past but now extreme is when two women poo in a cup and then throw up in each others mouths!
Now showing leg is nothing let alone called extreme by any spark of the Imagination.
As far as "religion" goes According to God {The Christian one} we are to love Him with all our hearts soul and mind... If that isn't enough He told us that we should be either HOT or cold for Him we cannot be luke warm or He will spit us out of His mouth.
THAT is extreme by all means, For Jesus to go up on the cross and take punishment for something He didn't do and DIE for it. THAT is extreme.
Most people live apathetic lives and that is where they wind up... In spiritual apathy.
I can't stand certain types of groups {Not races} Such as Dems because they have all shown themselves to be the same, I have yet to find one that has proven me wrong.
If I found one that were to show themselves different then I would gladly say there is one person different than the rest.
Same with a few other groups that have shown they are no different than the moronic mass' they belong to.
For Example, you cannot be liberal and a good Christian, you cannot be gay and a good Christian, you cannot be an adulterer and a good Christian.
You might see it as extreme but I call it Moral standing.
These people who say we need to be tolerant of others beliefs while not being tolerant of my beliefs.
These people with "Coexist" Bumper stickers who don't have a firm enough belief in anything that they can't understand why conflicting religions can't get along.
It's hard to get along with someone who is trying to kill you if you don't convert to what they believe so pardon me for my "blanket statements" but I will take that over the foolishness you want me to buy into.


  1. On September 11, 2001, I was 9 ,months pregnant and celebrating my 2nd wedding anniversary. At just after 9 am my husband called me to say Happy Anniversary from his car as he drove across the 14th Street into DC. At that moment, he watched a plane crash into the side on the Pentagon. A week later he was on a plane traveling for work. The people who preformed these unthinkable acts were terrorist and extreme. They stood behind their religion to justify murdering over 3000 people that day. Since then, others that belong to that same "religious group" have murdered countless others. That however does not mean that all Muslims are terrorists.

    Nearly 1000 years ago Christians began torturing non-Christians, again with their religion as a justification for killing.

    Hitler's Germany? Another mass killing of a religious group, that was justified by religious beliefs of others.

    Does this mean that there are NO religious groups to be trust or that are not extreme; or does it simply extremism is justified by people when it suits them? Clearly, I believe that latter to be true.

    I do not believe that there is an instance in which extremism is justifiable. ALL of someone/something cannot be bad, just as ALL of someone/something cannot be good. Looking through history it would be near impossible to make a case for any for of extremism. And looking at the present, extremism only serves to promote fear, anger and hatred.

    You can be a good Christian and be gay. In several places the bible speaks of having lustful feelings towards one of the same sex, but says that acting on that lust makes you weak, it does not say that it makes you un-Christian. The bible also says let he who has made no mistake cast the first stone. Each of us will be judged by God when the time comes, he does not need us to judge each other here as he knows the many sins we commit.

    I am not a Christian, although I was raised as one. I have read the Bible several times and studied Christianity extensively. I have also studies many other religions in hopes of understanding what makes people followers. The issue that I find most fascinating is how intertwined Christianity, Judaisms and Islam are, yet everyday for thousands of years these three groups have been killing each other and stand behind God to justify it. It really makes you wonder.

    Extremism is simply close-mindedness. Dislike individuals, do not hate "groups" because there are always a few that belong, but walk to their own beat as Jesus, the Jew and his followers did.


  2. I had a whole statement showing why your spiritual thinking is bad and the fact that you are not Christian shows that you lack wisdom to understand.
    Alas the page timed out and all my work was erased, since it is late I won't retype it at this moment but I am going to respond again and make sure I copy it before hitting post button.
    Expect a response and I hope when you read it you'll finally understand things.

  3. You are more concerned about being "right" (which you are not) than showing people the love of Jesus. You not only incorrect, but completely ignorant of the grace and love offered to you. You are guilty by the standard you have set.

  4. Shaun, If we are not right then we have nothing, Yes God loves us enough to have died on the cross for us.
    I'll take what you said as I'm on the right track.
    You can't be an honorable Christian and be the opposite of what God's word says.
    If you think you can constantly live in Sin and be a good Christian then you are mistaken.
    I don't know if you realize this but without repentance God's grace won't work because you have not asked for forgiveness.
    In order for God's grace to work is only if people repent, if they do not then God cannot and will not forgive you of your sins.
    To repent means do a 180 and turn away from your sin completely and with some people they don't believe certain things are sins in the first place which is wrong thinking.
    if they don't believe it's a sin then that means they can't repent and if you don't repent then that means God can't forgive you which means that you cannot be a good Christian.
    Everyone has things that they struggle with but that's why we need the strength of God to overcome those things.
    God's standard is High, Yes there is grace but it only applies to those who are repentant and if you think that's harsh then you don't know God as well as you think.
