Sunday, April 25, 2010

Upcoming Topics

It's been a hard thing to choose a next topic to talk about so I'm going to make a short list off the top of my head and go from there.

The Differences between Killing and Murder.
The Evils of Socialism and the Deceiving of America
Decisions and how they affect and Shape us and our world view.
Having the Heart of David: Chasing after God.
Drinking Deeply in thought and Spirit.
The Watered down Mentality.
Changing vantage points of us and how we view the Bible.
Forming the Well.
Standing on the Precipitous.
We are Trees: Taking root in your Faith.
Faith and Logic.
Sailing in your Worship.
Judging, Rebuking and God's laws.
Letting your Dreams die.
Sound of silence:Death of noise pollution.
Getting off the bottle: Growing your teeth for the Meat of the Bible.
Gaining Wisdom.
Walking away: Starving your Ego.
Owning up: Taking responsibility for our actions.
No Regrets: Not living in guilt from the past.
Christian: Christ in us being a "little Christ"
Body of the Church: God's dwelling place.
God's investment in us.

These are just a few things I've wanted to talk about because there's a lot of Misconceptions about things or just flat out lies people have accepted in their thinking.
I don't think people truly think about these things or see them at skewed angle so they don't fully see things for what they are thereby missing a lot.

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