Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Setting the record straight

You know that feeling when you're driving around and a cop pulls out, starts following you and despite the fact that you're not even doing anything wrong you feel nervous?
I get that feeling around liberals...
I always see liberals meandering on spouting some kind of hate speech against republicans or against Conservatives.
Even when we aren't doing anything wrong they still make things up bringing up race issues that republicans or Conservatives never put out there or brought up in the first place.
It seems the only ones that really have race issues are Liberal Dems.
Let me tell you, Liberals are a bunch of liars and I have yet to meet one any different.
I saw a posted video I wish I could post here, a person I know had posted it and it was Bill Maher with Chris Rock on talking about how the Health care bill finally passed and how the republicans were fighting it and the reasons they must have been fighting it Making total lies up about the reasons because after all it couldn't possibly be that the bill was BAD.
Through the years the Liberals have gotten into the republican party making stupid choices, what we need is a conservative party and get rid of the Republican party all together setting up rules for joining the party.
In the words of John Lennon "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
Now I'm not one for Johnny boy because frankly He was all hopped up but I won't go into that.
Point is that I am not the only one Pissed off at what has been going on and some might say that it would be nearly impossible to dismantle the Republican party now and form a new group but with as much as they have been failing and as much as the American people are pissed off I hold Hope that it could happen.

Here would be the rules for Being a candidate in the Conservative party>>>
1.You must be a Christian.
2.You must Hold traditional family Values {Such as One man one woman}
3.You must Be AGAINST Abortion
4.Must be for cutting taxes.
5.Must cut wasteful spending.

These are just 5 of the things that would be a requirement to be part of the party and the list could go on forever but if you're voting record shows opposite of what is considered to be a conservative candidate then you will be rejected by those in the party and labeled in what group you should be in.
If you vote like a liberal then but say you are conservative then you will be kicked and then put in the liberal group category.
This is so there is no confusion, too many times liberals sneak into our group and then change their votes to fit more liberal ideals than what they were elected under.
Now to set the record straight I don't hate Democrats, I know plenty of them but they seem to have been misguided in what the democrat group actually believes.
If you asked some democrats if they were against abortion, for traditional marriage, cutting spending and other things they would say yes {SOME not all} this describes more conservatives than Democrats and yet some Democrats are convinced into thinking that it's the democrats with those values when they are not.
Who was in congress when Clinton was in office? CONSERVATIVES!
Why is that important and why did I bring that up?
Well WE kept the Budget down, it was Conservatives that kept things in check and kept wasteful spending down.
The values the most would describe what they like are Conservatives NOT Democrats, Liberalism is a rampant disease infesting our nation demanding that we change instead of the ones who are moving HERE.
Now I have no problem with people from other countries moving here as long as it's within the right way.
I'm not talking about changing their culture or anything like that because we are after all a melting pot, what I am talking about is that they should learn English instead of expecting everyone else to conform to them.
If you move to any other country in the world you are expected to learn that language, Do you know what the French would do if you demanded for them to change their whole national language to English? Give you a Language book and tell you to start learning French!
I have seen what liberalism does to this country, it's not because I was raised to be this way, I have my own thoughts and brain to think it.
I observe the world around me and I see what makes sense and what has no reasoning to it and liberalism has no logic to it, it's humanism at it's worst because it claims to care about people and it hides behind that but when you get to the true meat of Liberalism it doesn't care about the welfare of anyone.
They think giving people money without work is Helping but it sets people up for laziness and will never teach people how to be self-sufficient, standing on their own two feet, it keeps them weak living off other peoples hard earned money.
There is so much more that I could say on this but alas it's late and I should sleep so I'll leave you with this quote.

Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar.
Abraham Lincoln


  1. I would like to know more about how you have come to have the conviction you do. Was it the way you were raised, a life experience or something else? Just wondering because I love people and understanding what makes then what they are.


  2. Part of it is how I was raised and part of it is doing searching on my own.
    My parents were always letting me know to explore for the truth because the proof will always shine through.
    I look at liberalism and conservatism and The Ladder seems to make more sense to me, it's logical to go to the grouping that reflects your belief system.
    Through my Journey of both Spiritual and Life experiences I have found that I needed to look beyond the words of groups and look at actions.
    Actions reflect what people really Believe, statements are brief and can be taken back but actions confirm their true system.
    Lately I, like many others have not been happy with the actions of the Republican party.
    It used to be in the past that the Democratic party was for the people but then changed and then the beliefs transitioned to the republican party and now the Republican party has gotten away from being strictly Conservative Christian to being Mid leftest.
    I think the reason Republicans have gotten away from what they should be is because there's no specific connection that says what you should believe or conduct being held if you are in that grouping.
    Right now I'm not happy with either side because it seems to be the same side of the coin at the moment which is why I believe we need to hit the reset button for the political party so it's clear that if you believe in certain things you know what you're getting.
    if you look at Arlen specter, He was in the Republican party for years until recently when He switched over to the Democratic party.
    He voted like a democrat and yet Republicans voted for Him simply because He had the Republican title.
    I look at what is going on in our country and it's headed for a revolution because people are getting sick of the government over stepping it's bounds, we became a country to get away from what England.
    We formed our constitution so that liberties and beliefs could be stable and free from dictatorship but it seems people have forgot the government works for the people rather than the other way around.
    I actually heard a person say that when Obama was elected that He's our boss now.
    This shows how screwed up people's thinking is, The President works for the people not the people working for one man or the government.
    The difference is between a dictatorship and a presidency.
    While a dictatorship has the people working for the sole purpose of production to the benefits of the government alone.
    A president works for the welfare of the people so the people can enrich their lives and the government pass laws in which to ensure the best for the people over that of the welfare of the government.
    I have thought long and hard about what lines with My over all belief and understanding of both Spiritual, Logical and the fundamental reasoning of what benefits we the people.
    I believe that some Liberals do mean well and others are lying to deceive people but all liberals are liars because even the one's who do mean well have believe the lies told to them and repeat those lies as in hopes that the lie will become the truth.
    Also though they may think they're helping people they aren't in the long run, I have seen what History has shown us and yet people seem to ignore history's lessons in hopes that somehow things will be different despite being shown the contrary.
    I think it's funny that people seem to think because I was raised a certain way that I haven't thought about it or discovered it on my own, that seems to be the consensus I get from people.
    This is just part of my thinking, there's more I've learned along my life and more that I have yet to learn.
    I hope this gives a little insight to my thinking.

  3. Thanks! I really appreciate you sharing that. I like to understand how people come to their beliefs, whether of not they are the same as mine.

